Frequently Asked Questions

A “Session” is a scheduled Skate 'N Shoot, Stick-Time, Shinny, Open-Hockey, Pick-Up Hockey, Sticks and Pucks, etc, etc.

When you Pledge for a Session, you are informally announcing to other skaters and the ice rink that you intend to show up for that Session. This helps other skaters gauge how many total skaters there will likely be attending, and helps the ice rinks plan their Session scheduling.

At, you always get a discount when you Prepay for Sessions – saving $$$ = Good! Also, someone who Prepays is even more likely to show up, helping everyone better gauge Session attendance.

If you Prepay for a Session but you are unable to attend, you can cancel up to 2 hours before the scheduled start of the Session – you will receive a full refund of the price for that Session.  Keep in mind, however, once the 2 hour "window" has passed, there are no refunds or credits for a "no-show".

Please, please, pleeeeease!.......cancel your Pledge as soon as you are able. Once you cancel, the Pledge count for that session will update and other skaters will be able to see the new Pledge/Prepay numbers. If you Pledge and do not cancel and do not show, you will be marked as a “No Show” - very not cool! Rack up enough “No Shows”, and your account can be suspended or canceled – not a threat, just the way it works. Look, life is hectic, we know. If you Pledged to show, but didn't, it's not the end of the world. However, if a certain number of no-shows are recorded from a particular user, we may be compelled to cancel that user's account. And yes, that user could then just go back and create another's just an incentive to keep users from willy-nilly Pledging to show for Sessions without really intending to show. Please, don't be a jerk.......

The number shown in the Pledged column is how many Registered Users have Pledged to attend; the number under the Paid column is the number of the Pledges that have Prepaid. Example: Pledged = 16, Paid = 13 means that 16 skaters have pledged to show and skate, and of those, 13 have already prepaid, so right now plan on 16 other skaters (13 of which are VERY likely to show up, since they Prepaid already!)

No. If you Pledge/Prepay for a Session, only the Pledged/Paid numbers change; there is no way to see who the other skaters are that are planning to attend.

First – you're crazy! Second – sweet! Skaters love having goalies! When you register at, ensure you select “Goalie” as your position. Then, when you search for Sessions and select which ones to attend, you will only ever have the option to Pledge.

Goalies can only Pledge to attend, because at, Goalies always skate at no charge! (One of the perks of allowing skaters to whiz pucks at your head, right?) However, please only Pledge to attend Sessions you truly plan to attend – other skaters are relying on the goalie counts to be accurate. If you Pledged for a Session and cannot attend, PLEASE cancel as soon as possible - “No Shows” will still be marked against a goalie's account, also.

You're still crazy! However......when you register at, ensure you select “Both” for your position. Then, when you search for Sessions, you will have the option to Pledge/Prepay for Sessions as a skater, and Pledge for Sessions as a Goalie.

The numbers represent the number of currently Pledged Goalies to the number of Goalies that are able to Pledge. Example: 2/3 = 3 Goalies can Pledge, and 2 already have.

The Affiliated Rinks schedule and update their own Sessions, and decide how many skaters and goalies are allowed for the Session – not wants to get the information to the users, so we list information for any ice rinks we know of. An “Affiliated Rink” is an ice rink that has a relationship with, and therefore can list Sessions for their rink, offer discounts, etc. If a rink is not listed, or listed but not Affiliated with, please contact that rink and let them know you'd like them to Affiliate!

Send us a message with the rink info that you know of to, and we'll get it added to the search results! Then encourage the Rink to become a Affiliate!

Right now, we're a small operation, and to keep costs low, we can't support a dedicated staff to handle phone traffic. Send all support requests to, as that address is monitored continually. Keep using the site, help spread the word, and we'll be able to get some more staff on hand!

Each rink location will provide the age restrictions for each Session they schedule, which will be reflected on the search results at As for the mandatory equipment, generally skaters must at a minimum wear a hockey helmet, hockey gloves, and hockey ice skates (NO figure skates – toepick!......) However, any hockey player would strongly recommend wearing full equipment, as we do at Affiliated ice rinks will provide their equipment requirements on their respective websites or by calling the ice rink directly.

We want to include any and all Hockey Rinks on the website so that it is a useful resource to all Hockey players! If your Rink is not listed, or if the current information on the site is out of date/incorrect (including logos/imagery), please contact

To become Affiliated with and start posting your Rink's Hockey Sessions to the site, contact - we will send to you our Affiliation Agreement, and very quickly set up access to our Rink Manager site! We'd love to have your Rink on board, and so would all the Hockey players in your area!

We are just getting going, so our support and development staff is stretched a little thin - however, Hockey Rinks and all Hockey players are why exists, so please reach out!